Chief Inspector James Hardy’s new-found peace is rocked when Kelly Lyle ‘the Mentor’ returns. During her bloody campaign of murder, she rips apart the detective’s new life and reveals a secret that shatters everything Hardy believed to be true about his wife’s death.

James Hardy has walked away from his career as a Scotland Yard homicide detective. He has found love again, and, together with his two young daughters, he’s making a fresh start in a small seaside town.

With his new career as a consultant taking off and the demons of the past behind him, Hardy’s life couldn’t be better.

But the peace is about to be shattered.

When a series of shocking murders take place in the seaside town, Hardy is contacted by local detective inspector Emma Cotton for advice. Hardy learns the disturbing crimes have all the hallmarks of a serial killer linked to his past.

Hardy balks at being forced out of early retirement, but whether he likes it or not, the killer appears determined to draw him back into a world he wants to leave behind.

Knowing it will take something monumental to catch his attention, the killer raises the stakes and abducts someone Hardy loves more than life itself.

Is Hardy about to lose everything he’s fought so hard to keep?

Hardy’s only choice is to work with DI Emma Cotton to discover the hard truth behind the killer’s motives. If they play the killer’s game, they might be in time to stop a tragedy beyond comprehension.

Read Hard Truth today, and discover the secret that should have stayed buried.



Hard Truth

(Chief Inspector James Hardy series, Book 3)

By Jay Gill

Chapter 1

Kelly Lyle swam a final length of the pool and climbed out. It was late evening, and the heat from the Italian sun felt exhilarating on her naked body.

The villa, with its mountainous backdrop, overlooked Lake Garda. Lyle stood for a moment to take in the warmth of the evening and gaze down at the shimmering lake. The scent of lemon carried on the fresh mountain air. This was currently her favourite retreat. It had many benefits besides its beauty, not least of which was its seclusion.

Leaving her robe and shoes on a recliner, she crossed the warm tiles and entered the rear of the house through large sliding doors.

She scooped crushed ice into a chilled glass and added gin and tonic. Sipping her drink, she sat for a while watching Carlo as he slept. Lyle let her eyes wander over his firm, tanned body. She smiled at the thought of their many evenings together.

His conversation was interesting and the food he’d cooked her had always been exceptional. He was also a very thoughtful and attentive lover.

It was a shame their time together had to end so abruptly, but it was important she return to England and get her plans underway.

Drink in hand, Lyle walked over to the sleeping Carlo. Drugged, gagged and bound to a dining chair, his body slumped forward. Lyle lifted his head and kissed his eyes.

“Carlo. Carlo, my prince, it’s time to wake up.”

She took some ice from her glass and ran it over his broad, tanned shoulders. “Sveglia, sveglia, sorgi e splendi!” she said. “Wakey, wakey, Carlo.”

Carlo opened one eye and then the other.

“There you are,” she said. “Welcome back to the land of the living.” She chuckled at her little joke.

Puzzled, he looked around wildly. His foggy mind was trying to figure out what was happening. He tried to move. He tried to speak. He started to rock back and forth, almost toppling over in the process. His eyes widened further and his face grew fierce with anger.

Lyle poured herself another gin and tonic to give Carlo a moment to simmer down and accept his predicament. “I am sure you have lots of questions, and I wish I had more time to go into all the details of why this is happening to you, but the truth is, I don’t. I have a flight booked to England first thing in the morning, and between now and then there is a lot that must be done. So, forgive me if I gloss over the niceties. What I will say is that, despite how this is going to end for you, I’ve had a lovely time. I think it’s important you understand that what’s coming next isn’t about you. It’s about me. Although, in reality, I’m sure that offers little comfort.”

Carlo watched as Lyle pushed a hostess trolley in front of him. On the bottom shelf sat a few marble coasters, some napkins, a roll of cling film, an ice bucket and a pair of silver tongs. It was the top shelf that caused him to strain at his ties. From behind the gag he let out a long, pitiful moan. His pleading eyes were met with a coldness he hadn’t seen in her before. Fingers that had once caressed him now danced over a range of glistening surgical tools.

With a look that suggested the choice was of vital importance, Lyle said, “Perfect. This will do.”

She held up a surgical scalpel. Carlo pressed himself back in the chair. Lyle started to smile as she showed it to him.

“This? This is just my little joke. You’re so jittery. I’m not going to use this on you, Carlo.”

With a flourish, she lifted a napkin off a lime and said, “This is for the lime. A gin and tonic just isn’t the same without lime, wouldn’t you agree?”

Carlo attempted a smile. Perhaps, this was all just a sick prank. Maybe he would be okay after all.

“Carlo, look at me.” Lyle snapped her fingers. “None of these are for you. I don’t have time for blood and body parts scattered here and there. Do you understand?”

Carlo nodded.

“All that would mean a lot of cleaning up. I’ve told you, I’m on a tight schedule. For that reason, I intend something far less messy for me, and you’ll be pleased to know it means next to no discomfort for you.” Lyle reached into the ice bucket and took out an ice pick.

Carlo started to scream.

Lyle stepped close and, after a brief hesitation – she was undecided as to which eye to stab – she changed her mind entirely and plunged the ice pick through Carlo’s temple and deep into his brain. She quickly wrapped his head in kitchen cling film, ensuring his nose and mouth were covered.

“There; we’re done.”

Lyle kissed Carlo’s broad shoulders and ran her fingers over his tanned, muscular, still-warm body one last time. It would have been nice to keep him a little longer, she thought.

After a long, comforting shower, she finished packing and checked the flight times. Later, she would drive to the lake and take a short boat trip. Carlo would then join the others at the bottom of the lake.